Meet Your Mother!
July 10, 2023Meet Your Mother!
Galatians 4:22-31, " For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. (23) But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise, (24) which things are symbolic. For these are the two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar; (25) for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children; (26) but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all. (27) For it is written: "Rejoice, O barren, You who do not bear! Break forth and shout, You who are not in labor! For the desolate has many more children than she who has a husband." (28) Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. (29) But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now. (30) Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? "Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman." (31) So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free."
The following study is an attempt to answer the question as to why so many men are turned off by the church. As I deal with the issue of the "Mother and Father”-type qualities of the church, please hear my heart and don't take offense at me, accusing me of putting down women or the church. I love the church and have given my whole life to Her. I love the women of the church. If it were not for them, nine out of ten local churches would have to close their doors. It is godly women over the last 37 years who have prayed, loved, ministered and assisted me most in my life and ministry.
We give this word from a confident perspective that Father is coming back to His house -- the Church -- and will bring back the balance needed to get His kingdom agenda into position as the ultimate priority, and Mother/Church will cooperate like Mary, the mother of Jesus, by saying, "Be it unto us according to your Word!”
Just as all biological children have a set of parents, so do all spiritual children in the Family of God. The Father, through the provision of the Son of God, by the power of the Spirit of God, with the seed of the Word of God, from the womb of the Church of God, births us as children of God, into His Kingdom and Family! Hallelujah!
In symbol, I think without doing injustice to scripture, we can see that our Father in Heaven is represented by the principle of His Kingdom. We are told in the Bible that it is His kingdom. It is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom. We are to seek His kingdom first. When time is no more, the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
Likewise, in symbol, the Church is the Mother that provides the womb to deliver. She provides the room to nurture and submit to Father's desire and design for the creation of a new humanity -- a third race of the twice born -- a new creation of Adams and Eves that will join Him in the Family business of Almighty and Sons, where they are training to learn to reign as kings in life!
Bob Mumford declared, “The kingdom must always be sought and embraced as Father God’s ultimate source (Matt. 6:33). Mother, (the Church) should be seen as the birthing place of the purposes and people of that kingdom. We cannot and must not allow the kingdom – the revealed will of the Father – to be sublimated and subjected to a Mother whose life and conduct is subnormal and who is in trouble, whether or not she is conscious of the fact (Rev. 3:17). Given the opportunity, a troubled and confused Church will attempt to seize the Kingdom and claim it as her own possession.”
The Church is described in the Scriptures by various metaphors and types. One of the more powerful descriptions of the church is that she is the Heavenly Jerusalem, (Hebrews 12:22) which is comprised of faithful believers who are dispersed throughout the whole world. These are they which have one and the same gospel, one and the same faith in Christ, the same Holy Ghost, and the same ordinances. It is also comprised of the redeemed people now in Heaven, and the elect people not yet born who will be birthed into the Church. (Their names are written in the Lamb’s book of life from the foundations of the world -- Rev. 17:8)
The Church is not Only the Bride of Christ, but the Mother of Believers
Gals. 4:26 "but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all."
In commenting on this verse, Martin Luther wrote, "But the new and heavenly Jerusalem which is a queen and a freewoman, is appointed of God in earth and not in heaven, to be the mother of us all, of whom we have been created, and yet daily are created. Therefore, it is necessary that this our mother should be in earth among men, as also her generation is. Notwithstanding she gives birth by the Holy Ghost, by the ministry of the Word and sacraments, and not in the flesh."
John Calvin writes: “What he calls heavenly is not shut up in heaven, nor are we to seek for it outside the world. For the Church is spread over the whole world and is a pilgrim on the earth. Why then is it said to be from heaven? Because it originates in heavenly grace. For the sons of God are born, not of flesh and blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The heavenly Jerusalem, which derives its origin from heaven and dwells above by faith, is the mother of all believers. For she has the incorruptible seed of life deposited in her by which she forms us, cherishes us in her womb and brings us to light. She has the milk and the food by which she continually nourishes her offspring."
Pay very close attention to this statement by Calvin: "This is why the Church is called the mother of believers. And certainly, he who refuses to be a son of the church desires in vain to have God as his Father. For it is through the ministry of the church that God begets sons for Himself and brings them up until they pass through adolescence and reach manhood” WOW!
The salvation that Father purposed, that the Son purchased, and the Holy Spirit provides is designed to be experienced and expressed in a Believing Community called the Church. The Bible reveals that whereas sin fragments us, separates us, enslaves us, and sentences us to solitary confinement, the gospel restores us, unites us, liberates us, and sets us in community. The life of faith revealed and nurtured in the Bible is highly personal, but never merely individual; always there is a family, a tribe, a nation, and a church!
Love, faith, and life itself can't develop and remain healthy apart from the community of faith. Eugene Peterson writes, "Outside of the church there is no salvation is not ecclesiastical arrogance but spiritual common sense, confirmed in everyday experience." The passage in Galatians Four contrasts the birth and nature of the child of promise, Isaac, versus the child of the flesh, Ishmael. Then this analogy is used to contrast the people of faith with the people who perverted the Old Testament into a law-works type religion. Sarah is a type of the Church. Grace, faith, promise, and miracles of birth defined Sarah and her son of promise, Isaac. Even so the Church, without the revelation of God, without the frustration of fleshly works, without the impartation of a fertile womb, without the miracle working power of Heaven, can only produce Ishmaels -- faithless, legalistic self-efforts to fulfill the purpose and promises of her Father in Heaven.
In our text there is a contrast between the religious works of the law and the reproductive ways of grace. God the Father's Kingdom is designed, through the agency of the Church -- the Mother -- to be a living, relational FORCE of maturing sons/daughters who will experience, express and extend Jesus' life to the ends of the earth. Instead, in so many places the Church has become an impotent, sterile religious FAMILY designed to keep child-laborers employed at Mother's House in an exclusive religious environment!
Like Sarah, the Church is Barren in Herself, but Gives Birth by the Spirit to the Children of Promise -- Gals 4:23,27-28
Gals 4:23, "But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise," (27), "For it is written: "Rejoice, O barren, You who do not bear! Break forth and shout, You who are not in labor! For the desolate has many more children than she who has a husband." (28), "Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise."
Even though Sarah was specifically called of God, given a sure promise from God concerning the fruitfulness of her womb and the future spiritual offspring that would come from her heritage, she still had to learn that God's method is by the miracle of grace through faith and not by the manipulative strategies of mothers and their fleshy efforts. Her well-intentioned plan to assist in fulfilling God's promise to make her a mother in the Seed-line of the Messiah was predestined for failure. Like Sarah, MOTHER (the Church) can't reproduce without a miracle of faith in future grace. We still can't seem to come to grips with the truth that it's not by the works of the flesh, but by faith in Father that spiritual offspring are produced. We believe that somehow if we can get the right plan, programs, personalities; the right songs, cozy buildings, sermons and dramas that are seeker-sensitive and saint-friendly, then we will be able to engineer the miracle of spiritual conception and birth, or at least make it easier for the Holy Spirit to do His job.
We must learn that we are shut up to faith in God for every dimension of the Christian life, from repentance to regeneration, from becoming a Christian to living as a Christian fulfilling the great commandment and the great commission.
Like Sarah, the Church Often Resorts to the Works of the Flesh -- 4:23; Gen 16:1-4,15
Genesis 16:1-4, "Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. (2) So Sarai said to Abram, "See now, the LORD has restrained me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall obtain children by her." And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai. (3) Then Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan. (4) So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her eyes." Gen. 16:15, "So Hagar bore Abram a son; and Abram named his son, whom Hagar bore, Ishmael."
The bottom line of what Sarah did can be stated as follows:
When Mother's Will Preempts Father's Word, Fleshly Problems are Produced
Sarah's unbelief prompted her to resort to activity that proved to get results, but wasn't according to Father's will, word and work. Loss of the Father principle, i.e. the Kingdom of God, produces a people that are "Mothered" and not "Fathered" The churches in America largely have lost their power and appeal because they have lost the dimension, the dynamic, and the destiny of the kingdom of God.
There is known to be over 30,000 different registered Christian denominations world-wide, each one claiming to be the correct one, with more truth than all the rest, and is God's guardian of truth. Each one believes that to be spiritually correct you must belong to it. This is proof-positive that the kingdom identity, destiny and dynamic has been jettisoned or loss.
Millions of believers, men in particular, have declared that they love Jesus, have been born of the Spirit, and seek the will of the Father and yet seldom ever attend a local church. Why? Among a number of possible answers, one major reason could be because Mother, i.e., the Church, has so deviated and disengaged from Father’s desire and design for His children that they are sick of being “smothered by being overly mothered” and aren’t being challengingly “fathered” with a call into spiritual manhood. Failure on the part of Mother, i.e., the Church, to allow Father’s kingdom-will to call them into a destiny that’s God-big and eternity long, and that answers to the spiritual DNA that has been recreated in their spirits via their being birthed into the kingdom, creates a sense of unrest, dissatisfaction, and a feeling of disgust and dislike of Mother.
Because the Church, in so many places, has lost the identity, dignity, destiny, and dynamic of the Father’s will as expressed in the kingdom, she has become “effeminate”, cuddling, caring, crying, and refusing to let Father call His sons into kingdom destiny, dignity and dominion. (All of the things mentioned, caring, cuddling, etc, are good, needed, appropriate and acceptable in it's time and place, and with proper balance.)
What are the Symptoms of a "Mothered" and not "Fathered" Church:
1. A Mothered-type church wants to keep you coming for dinner and keeps you only unto herself!
Mothers are known for nurturing, gathering, cuddling, caring and meeting needs -- God created them this way and it's good. Fathers are known for calling, challenging, sending, and reproducing -- God created them this way and it's good and essential.
Mothers are gentle, loving, and sacrificing. This is what they are supposed to do. But without the Father's influence, they never know when to wean their children.
Thomas Smail reveals how "mothers tend to promote the fulfillment of their sons from behind; fathers tend to require the obedience of their sons from above! The first kind of love ministers to the needs of the beloved; the second kind dethrones the one it loves and presses him into its own service. An only son in his mother’s house can easily become first and central; in his father’s house he is more likely to be kept second and subsidiary. He will have not only a helper behind him, but a norm, a corrective, a protector over him. He will know the safety of being second, of not being the one round whom everything revolves, but of being dependent on somebody else who is “greater than I.”
Thus for me a father means somebody who is able to regulate the life of his children from a center outside themselves, to pull them towards wholeness, to accustom them to obedience and so to offer them security."
This is the balance that Mother -- the Church -- so desperately needs today!
Three Telltale Symptoms of Mother-type Churches that Haven't Weaned their Children. (Some of the following is borrowed from Dudley Hall)
We read in Psalm 131:1-3, "LORD, my heart is not haughty, Nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me. (2) Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me. (3) O Israel, hope in the LORD From this time forth and forever."
(1) A Proud Heart -- Unweaned children live unconscious of the presence of Someone greater than themselves. They have been made to feel that the whole world revolves around them.
Pride causes unweaned spiritual children to feel that they are rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. Pride lies at the root of every turning from God. Hosea 13:6, "As they had their pasture, they became satisfied, their heart became proud; therefore, they forgot Me." Pride is an issue of where your satisfaction is. It is an issue of what you are trusting in for the future." Pride is turning away from God specifically to take satisfaction in self. Churches that are over-mothered are filled with proud, self-centered, and self-satisfied people.
(2) Haughty Eyes -- Unweaned children tend to be arrogant and conceited. Spiritually this makes for men and women whose vision is blurred and distorted by the viewpoint that the whole of the Christian life is meeting with Mother, and helping Her in Her gathering, maintaining, containing activities. They are trained to believe that if they just keep coming for regular feedings and to get something that will make them a better child, then Father will approve because Mother is content and insistent upon maintaining this arrangement. There is no listening to Father/God and looking to Him. In short, "no vision" means that men do not see "the High and Holy One, Who inhabits Eternity," and His unshakeable Kingdom so they are limited to their little horizons and their selfish, petty, sinful plans. Failure to be weaned by Mother and given over to Father for impartation of vision, and a sending forth in Great Commission duty results in a loss of vision which produces moral anarchy, in which "every man does what is right in his own eyes."
(3) No Sense of Destiny -- Myles Munroe wrote, "Purpose, a destiny consciousness, is the key to life. Without a sense of destiny and purpose, life has no meaning.”
Norm Willis states, "Our destiny is God's plan, accomplished in His strength, but realized through our obedient and persistent work! Destinies are preconceived conditions that are received over time through obedient actions and godly behavior."
Destiny is the awareness that you were made on purpose to fulfill a definite purpose in the brief moment given you upon the stage of life. It is the awareness of being a predestined participant in the great unfolding drama of redemption.
Again Myles Munroe writes, "Without a sense of destiny and purpose, life has no meaning. There are millions today that are busy making a living, but they experience very little of life. If your goal in life is to be wealthy so you can retire, you have embarked on a depressing journey to nowhere. If your vision for life is measured by status, your upkeep will be your downfall. Vision is buried in purpose and a sense of destiny. Without knowledge of purpose, without a sense of divine destiny, life becomes an endless string of activities with little or no significance."
Mothered and not Kingdom-Fathered type churches have a great deal of activity, but little sense of Divine destiny; a lot of motion, but little kingdom ministry; a lot of gathering for family meetings, but very little sending forth to the ends of the earth to make disciples of all nations.
In America we have approximately 325,000 Protestant churches, 1,200 Christian radio stations, and 300 Christian colleges. During the last eight years, we in the Christian community spent 250 billion dollars in domestic ministry and have seen zero percent increase in the proportion of born-again adult Christians in this country. From 1992 to 1994, 5,000 new churches were started, and spending alone for those three years topped $100 billion. Yet the percentage of those calling themselves born-again Christians dropped from 40 percent in 1991 to 35 percent in 1994. The average evangelical church in America introduces only 1.7 people to Christ every year per every 100 who attend worship. The sad truth is our "mothering" type churches have turned us in upon ourselves and essentially insulated us from all but the handful of persons that we go to church with!
Dudley Hall was on target when he said, "When you get weaned you begin to live by mother and not off her. You begin to appreciate her as being more than just dinner. When you get weaned all your appetites must fit with the family agenda!"
2. Mothered-type churches Project an Effeminate Atmosphere that Repels Men!
Why are there so few men involved in most churches? Too much silly, sissy stuff and nothing God-big, God-demanding and challenging!
Bob Mumford writes, "One of the things that causes the loss of one’s inheritance in the Kingdom is effeminate conduct and behavior. I refer not to overt homosexuality alone, but rather to the loss of Fatherhood, with its consequent loss of manliness, courage, and strength of leadership (1 Corinthians 6:9) When the Kingdom is wrongly sublimated to the Church, for whatever reason. Father is made subservient to Mother in a Scripturally illegal manner. Father is then seen as henpecked, dominated, and the relationship is essentially out of biblical order.
It is certainly true that few Christians and even fewer theologians are seeking or presenting the biblical kind of Father, (i e, one who takes charge, assumes responsibility, fights for His children, makes demands, accepts misunderstanding, and punishes as well as forgives) We are neglecting, and are therefore in danger of forsaking, this Person, who is in fact our Father."
3. Mothered-type churches Persecute those who are Fathered by the Grace of the Father/Kingdom Principle -- Gals 4:29
"But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now."
Once more I allow Bob Mumford to illustrate this truth: "The picture is in John Five. The entire chapter needs to be reread to capture the climate amid the increased tension. Israel, the temple, and religious Judaism compose a type of the Church. In this case, She will serve as the Mother. She has effectively diverted the law and the temple (Father’s house of prayer for all nations) to serve Her own agenda. She has learned how to make money in “Father’s house.” Essentially, Mother has sold Herself and has become a harlot. She has and will become increasingly tyrannical. Eventually She will arrange the murder of this Son. She will kill for envy but She does not do it herself. She will soon be guilty of persecuting in an unmerciful manner all who disagree with her."
"Yet Jesus still honors her and attends the synagogue faithfully. She is, after all, this Mother, in the sense that is described by Paul: "For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated From Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises, whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever Amen." (Romans 9.3-5)
Paul, like Jesus, knew of her apostasy, unfaithfulness, and judgment, but always acknowledged her as the “birthing place” of God’s purpose and of the Messiah Himself. His comments and attitudes are examples of our own. We can see what the issues are, but we love her no less. We love her because God does, that is reason enough. However—and this point must not be missed—in all of His honor of Her, never does He allow her distorted authority to sublimate the Kingdom authority which was given to Him by His Father."
4. Mothered-type churches Produce Children that Grow up to Resent Her!
Churches in America aren't very popular these days. According to the Barna Report, public confidence in preachers and church leaders is at an all time low (52% -- down 15% since 1985). Sixty-five percent of unchurched claim the Christian faith is relevant to the way they live today, but only 27% believe the church is relevant. Seventy-six percent of Americans think a person can be a good Christian apart from involvement in an organized religious community, i.e. a local church.
A Word of Caution!: Although Mother may be in rebellion and playing the harlot; and although you may have to go around her at times to get to Father -- don't attack her! Father doesn't take kindly to one of the kids attacking Mother!
Like Sarah, When the Church Embraces Her Husband Rejoicing and Reproducing are the Results! -- 4:27-28
"For it is written: "Rejoice, O barren, You who do not bear! Break forth and shout, You who are not in labor! For the desolate has many more children Than she who has a husband." (28) Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise."
The Church, like Sarah, reveals the glory of God when she embraces the will of God. We read in Acts 7:2, "And he said, "Hear me, brethren and fathers! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran,"
T. Austin Sparks, "What is the Church? It is the place in which God is revealed, the place of heavenly vision. The Church is the embodiment of the revelation of God in Christ. The Church has to be the sphere in which men and women come to a knowledge of God, an ever-growing knowledge of God. The Church is not just something to carry out a set order of things, maintain a form. The Church is the place in which there abides the living unveiling of God, and just as soon as something claiming to be the Church ceases to be the place in which there is any living unveiling of God it ceases to be what God calls ‘‘the Church,” and when it fails in these Divine features God withdraws. It may go on, but God withdraws. When Jerusalem ceased to be the place of the revelation of God to the nations then God withdrew. The purpose of the Church in God’s mind is that it should be the sphere of the abiding and continuous unveiling of God, the God of glory appearing. (Read the first three chapters of Revelation.)"
What was it that enabled the first three centuries of disciples of Jesus to conquer their known world? What so possessed them that could out-love, outlive, out-think, and out-die the pagans of their day? It was the discovery of the Treasure Chest of Holy Joy -- Christ Jesus, the Lord and King, and His Unchanging Kingdom! It was the reality of Mother being the womb in which Father birthed them into His Family. It was the overwhelming awareness that their Father in Heaven was calling them out and unto Himself. It was the demands. challenge and sense of destiny that they were being called into the Family Firm of Almighty and Sons as Lawful Partners in an Unshakable Kingdom and into a Loving Companionship with the Unchanging Person of the King! They were constrained and consumed by a passionate love for the Son of God, and now their Father's heart and kingdom glory. They were sent forth with the confidence that His name would be hallowed more gloriously, His kingdom would come more extensively, and His will would be done more joyfully and freely, on earth even as in Heaven!
When the glory of God is revealed through His Bride, she begins to be the Mother of His Children -- the agency, the instrument of His kingdom. The Kingdom of God is reality as defined by God. It's the rule and realm over which the King exercises dominion. It's the New World Order that our Lord Jesus Christ established in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven. To be joined to the kingdom is to become interactively joined with a dynamic, unseen system of divine reality that is ever-present within us and around us and over us! When Mother is embracing Father, the kingdom of Father begins to be made visible through the miraculous birth of little Isaacs -- sons of laughter. Mother manifests the glory of the kingdom as she teaches her sons to do whatever Father tells them. The kingdom is then made a visible reality, in the casting out of demons (breaking into the domain of Satan), the working of miracles (signs, fulfillment of prophecy, the blind receiving sight, and the deaf hearing), and the proclamation of the gospel.
The task of the Church is to make the invisible kingdom of God, (which is spiritual), visible, through faithful obedience to the King, and by proclaiming the message of the Kingdom.
There is both a Now and a Then, a present, but not yet dimension to the Kingdom of God. Every time someone is saved, it declares that the kingdom of God is Now, and that the purposes of God can’t be frustrated by the power of sin or Satan. It declares that God is gathering a people for Himself Now, who, Then, when the kingdom has fully come, will be as the sand of the sea in number. Every time the sick are healed, it bears witness to the fact that the kingdom is Now and when it is Then fully come, there’ll be no more sickness or sorrow. Every time a person is delivered from demons, it signals God’s continued invasion of Satan’s realm in the Now of the kingdom, and confirms that Then, the devil and his demons will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Miraculous provisions of food tell us that in the Now of the kingdom, the righteous aren’t forsaken and his seed aren’t begging bread, but in the Then of the kingdom, they will never hunger or thirst anymore. Stilling the storm of nature signals that the Now happenings are a sure sign that in the Then of the kingdom, the curse will be finally removed and the lamb and lion will lie down together. Every time a miracle or work of power is performed, it declares the kingdom has come, but you haven’t seen anything yet!
The Church has Described Jesus to the World instead of Demonstrating His Person and Works!
When Mother is functioning in her role, the world realizes that the kingdom of God isn’t just a proclamation of truth, but a demonstration of power. When the Holy Spirit, the Chairman of Evangelism for the Kingdom, sets up a “kairos” moment, we should take advantage of that moment by receiving the “power tools”, i.e. gifts of the Spirit, that are needed to demonstrate that there is more to our message than just talk. Our assignment requires no ordination, no education, and knows no limitation!
2 Cor 5:20, reminds us that we “are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.” We are to say without apology, in love, “Our King has sent us out as ambassadors on kingdom assignment. And His message is “SURRENDER YOUR ARMS OF REBELLION!”
Here is the word from Father through Mother -- Psalms 2:10, "Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. (11) Serve the LORD with fear, And rejoice with trembling. (12) Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him."
Mary, is the example of the church as she supposed to function: By the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived Jesus, carried Him, and then presented Him to the world.
Has the Holy Spirit caused Jesus to be Re-born within you? Is the Holy Spirit continuing to Re-shape Jesus within you by stretching you and shaping you? Is the Holy Spirit causing Jesus to be Re-presented through you? Are you aware that the Holy Spirit wants to make us the Womb of God upon the Earth in order to Reclaim the World around us?
Will you say today, with Mary, "Behold Your bond-slave. Be it unto me according to Your Word?" If you will, Jesus will give you the Life of His Person, the Liberty of His Power, the Luxury of His Possessions, and the Legacy of His Purpose!
Beloved, Father loves Mother and is coming back to His House! The time has come that judgment must begin at the House of God. When Father shows up in the person and power of His Spirit, He will begin overturning all that has crowded out His agenda of Kingdom Enterprises and the Eternal Business Firm of Almighty and Sons! He will re-establish kingdom priority by using His unshakeable kingdom to shake everything that is not of Him, through Him, and unto Him! He will lovingly, but firmly put Mother -- the Church -- back into Her God-designed place and get Her ready to be the womb through which He births a multitude of children into the Family and Kingdom of God! Glory!
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