This is a refutation of the dispensational claims that one day very soon there will be one gigantic redemptive-historical U-turn. God’s greater purposes will return to the same Old Testament types and shadows which existed before the coming of Christ, which pointed to him, and which in his death and resurrection he has already fulfilled! The one man is divided, the barrier is re-erected, those brought near are far off again, peace is replaced by division, and the abolition of the commandments comes to an end.
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Sept 12, 2021
Give me all the Bacon & Eggs you Have
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
True Confession is Good for the Soul!
There is more to a good confession than the one we are to make when we have sinned against God or others. All confessions fall into two basic categories: confessions of faith and confessions of sin. Confessions of faith are akin to oaths of allegiance. They are public acknowledgements of fidelity to God, and to the truth which God has revealed. They are declarations of unqualified confidence in Christ, and of surrender to His service. Confession of faith implies joining one's voice harmoniously to the voices of others, in common affirmation of belief.
Keep ReadingA Good Confession for God’s Highly Favored People!
In Ephesians 1:3, Paul said that we have been “blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.” Like Mary, we are “highly favored” by God, and “uniquely blessed” by Him. The descriptive phrase, “all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus,” suggests the size, the substance and the storehouse of our blessings. What an inventory!
Keep ReadingBeware of Covetousness!
Covetousness is so serious because it precipitates ruin of the soul by installing an idol in our hearts. Paul will say, in reflecting on the tenth commandment, “Covetousness is idolatry” Colossians 3:5. Why? Because idolatry is about worship and worship is simply about value. Worship is our response to what we value most.
Keep ReadingShould Christians Be Involved In Politics?
In pre-Nazi Germany, many Christians were under the false assumption that they had to go along with whatever their civil rulers demanded. For decades before the rise of Adolph Hitler, German Christians were subjected to arguments like the following from pastors and theologians: The Gospel has absolutely nothing to do with outward existence but only with eternal life, not with external orders and institutions which could come in conflict with the secular orders but only with the heart and its relationship with God.
Keep ReadingThe Day that Changed the World!
Philip Schaff, a noted church historian, writes: “The Reformation of the sixteenth century is, next to the introduction of Christianity, the greatest event in history. The Reformation was, at its heart, a recovery of the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and this restoration had an unparalleled influence on churches, nations, and the flow of Western civilization."
Keep ReadingThe Curse of Doing Nothing!
“In 2020, the gap between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden was just seven million votes. The real story lies in the margins of victory in swing states, where an average of 60,000 votes per state determined nearly 40% of the electoral votes needed to win,” Barna emphasized. “In this context, the 32 million regular churchgoers who won’t vote in 2024 is a gamechanger.”
Keep ReadingThe Politics of Envy!
The politics of envy and guilt is nothing other than class hatred and war. It is a blight on the soul, a rottenness eating at the foundations of culture. No society can long survive it: the nation that fails to overcome it through faith and obedience will fall. It is the sociology of Satan. It is but a step away from hell.
Keep ReadingJun 25
Inaccurate Eschatology
Inaccurate eschatology has, for the most part, left the church in America waiting to get off the earth as quickly as possible instead of getting on with the “Master’s Mandate” of making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
Jun 19
To celebrate this victory of Republican abolition policies over the Democrat pro-slavery policies is "Juneteenth," the day Union Major General Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3 from his headquarters in Galveston, Texas, June 19, 1865.
Apr 30
The “Narcissistic” Church!
When we separate the good news of Christ from His kingdom, we wind up with an individualistic mindset in the church that can easily lead to narcissism and self-focus.
Apr 19
Quick Fix Politics
As a nation, we have moved from a “republic” to a “socialist democracy” which is “Communism-Lite.” We cannot seem to learn from history that socialism in any and every form is anti-Christian. It is paganism that makes the State and idol. It elevates the State above God.
Apr 13
Replacing Discipleship with Dreaming!
When we really SEE the kingdom of heaven over us, in us, around us, we will no longer view ourselves as pessimistic pilgrims traveling through a weary land while awaiting rescue from a wicked and ever-worsening world.
Mar 30
The First V-J Day!
Mar 27
God's Commentary on the Cross
Mar 20
Is Satan the Big Winner in History?
What kind of success should we expect to see in terms of the ever-enlarging kingdom of God where Jesus makes every enemy the footstool of His feet prior to His return, raising us from the dead, and bringing the end of history to bear? The Bible tells us that the success that we are going to see is all encompassing, just as broad as the scope of sin. If Jesus came into this world to deal with the problem of sin, then we should believe that His kingdom deals with sin in all its manifestations.