Wade's Weekly Word

The angel said to Mary in Luke 1:28, "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" And again in Luke 1:42, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, spoke out with a loud voice and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”

Mary was highly favored and blessed, but she was actually no more “highly favored” and blessed” than any saved sinner today. In fact, when Paul was “spelling out” the magnanimous dimensions of God’s great salvation (which I by the mercy of God presently possess!), he used a combination of these very words. In Ephesians 1:6, he said that every saved person is “engraced” or “highly favored” in the Beloved Son.” Friends, all of us born-agains are “highly favored” by God!  We are a “breed apart.” To have a place in His grace, to be a personal recipient of His “overflowing favor,” is an unspeakable privilege.

In Ephesians 1:3, Paul said that we have been “blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.” Like Mary, we are “highly favored” by God, and “uniquely blessed” by Him. The descriptive phrase, “all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus,” suggests the size, the substance and the storehouse of our blessings. What an inventory!

So, in all the humility grace affords, but also, with all the confidence the Word of God asserts, we followers of King Jesus should daily make good confessions of faith in our standing and status before our Father in heaven and people around us. Our confession could be something like this:

Having experienced the new birth by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, I confess by faith what God’s Word declares about me.

I am blessed of the Lord, uniquely privileged, highly favored, and immeasurably loved in Christ as Christ.

My Heavenly Father has an active interest in me and daily shows that he is for me and not against me. His daily favor is shown in His presence with me and in the Holy Spirit’s empowerment of me for the success and welfare of me, one of His selected, favored people, and this success is for His kingdom’s advancement. Being “in Christ”, I am one of his favored people - the people of grace and faith and not race and place.

I am blessed, and highly favored of the Lord and as such I’ve been picked out to be picked on to demonstrate that God doesn’t have to pet, pamper, prosper, praise, and promote me as an indication of my standing with Him. By faith I declare that everything God has promised to be for me in Jesus, he has been, is being, and will be! Therefore, I will pray from favor, think in terms of favor, translate every event in light of favor, and talk of the favor of the Lord!”

I confess by faith that in happy times or hard times, in pleasure or in pain, in sickness or in health, for better or for worse, God, our Father, is always with me, is always in control, is always good, is always able, and is always victorious.

Therefore, I will not be afraid. I will not doubt or despair. And although I may fall and fail frequently, I will not fall or fail ultimately! What Father says I am, I am. What he says I have, I have. What He says I can do, I can do by grace through faith! Therefore, I will live and die in favor always believing that the best is still ahead for me as a child of God!

I confess that in the Lord Jesus Christ I NOW have a life that can never be forfeited; a righteousness that can never be tarnished; an acceptance that can never be rejected; a standing that can never be disputed; a justification that can never be reversed; an inheritance from which I can never be disinherited; a wealth that can never be depleted; a resource that can never be diminished; a possession that can never be measured; a power that can never be rendered impotent or inadequate.

I confess that in the Lord Jesus Christ I NOW have a peace that can never be destroyed; a joy that can never be suppressed; a love that can never be decreased; a strength that can never be degraded; a power that can never be exhausted; a salvation that can nev­er be cancelled; a forgiveness that can never be overturned; a deliverance that can never be frustrated; an assurance that can never be disappointed; an access that can never be discontinued.

In the Lord Jesus Christ, I confess that I NOW have an Intercessor who can never be disqualified; a revelation that can nev­er be destroyed; a Victor who can never be vanquished; a resurrection that can never be hindered; a hope that can never be disappointed; a glory that can never be dimmed!

Therefore, I will live daily in humility, availability, and responsibility before Him! I confess that my reason for being is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever and I am beginning to do that right NOW! AMEN!

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