Wade's Weekly Word

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When we separate the good news of Christ from His kingdom, we wind up with an individualistic mindset in the church that can easily lead to narcissism and self-focus.

As a nation, we have moved from a “republic” to a “socialist democracy” which is “Communism-Lite.” We cannot seem to learn from history that socialism in any and every form is anti-Christian. It is paganism that makes the State and idol. It elevates the State above God.

When we really SEE the kingdom of heaven over us, in us, around us, we will no longer view ourselves as pessimistic pilgrims traveling through a weary land while awaiting rescue from a wicked and ever-worsening world.

What kind of success should we expect to see in terms of the ever-enlarging kingdom of God where Jesus makes every enemy the footstool of His feet prior to His return, raising us from the dead, and bringing the end of history to bear? The Bible tells us that the success that we are going to see is all encompassing, just as broad as the scope of sin. If Jesus came into this world to deal with the problem of sin, then we should believe that His kingdom deals with sin in all its manifestations.

Although not a whole lot is told us about the new heavens and the new earth, all that is revealed could be summarized in the words of C.S. Lewis as “the beginning of Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.”

In December 1913, Eliza left Waco, Texas, for New York, and boarded a ship bound for Africa along with six other missionaries, reaching Monrovia, Liberia, on January 20, 1914.

One of the most significant figures in the history of Christian missions is a freed Georgia slave named George Liele. Even though William Carey, the renown missionary to India, may be called the father of the modern missionary movement, George Liele left America and planted the gospel in Jamaica a full ten years before Carey left England.

God’s glory is not an attribute as much as it is the sum total of all God’s attributes. In viewing God’s glory, we are not directly viewing God, but the impress and effects of His majestic greatness.